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Thematic, spatial or content specification assists your search in the project database. You can search for fields of action in urban development, types of settlement areas and kinds of measures. You can find the project locations in the list of cities and the site map.

Projektübersicht Werkstatt-Stadt

Search projects

In the following project search box you can combine search criteria such as city, federal states, fields of action etc. A a search result, a table of related projects will be presented.


Search results

project name archive fed­er­al state city
Dessau-Roßlau „Verein Schwabehaus e.V.“ yes Saxony-Anhalt Dessau_Roßlau
Dietzenbach „definitely incomplete“ yes Hesse Dietzenbach
Dinslaken-Lohberg „Ledigenheim“ yes North-Rhine Westphalia Dinslaken
Dortmund-Nordstadt „Depot – Arts, Crafts, Media and Neighbourhood Centre“ yes North-Rhine Westphalia Dortmund
Dresden „Weißeritz urban development concept“ yes Saxony Dresden
Düsseldorf „PLATZDA!“ yes North-Rhine Westphalia Düsseldorf
Düsseldorf-Hell-Ga "Centre for families and generations" no North-Rhine Westphalia Düsseldorf
Erfurt „Ladebalken (Progress Bar)“ no Thuringia Erfurt
Erfurt „Master Plan for large housing estates“ yes Thuringia Erfurt
Eschwege „Innenstadtkarrees“ no Hesse Eschwege
Essen „Altendorf“ yes North-Rhine Westphalia Essen
Essen „From Krupp Belt to Krupp Park“ no North-Rhine Westphalia Essen
Essen „Weststadt“ yes North-Rhine Westphalia Essen
Essen-Katernberg „ZukunftsZentrumZollverein - Triple Z“ yes North-Rhine Westphalia Essen
Finsterwalde „Revitalization of an Old Town Block“ yes Brandenburg Finsterwalde
Föhren „Family-Friendly Construction and Housing“ yes Rhineland-Palatinate Föhren
Freiburg-Rieselfeld „District Development Rieselfeld“ yes Baden-Württemberg Freiburg
Freiburg-Vauban „Urban District Building 037“ yes Baden-Württemberg Freiburg
Fulda „Osthessencenter“ no Hesse Fulda
Fürth „Südstadt“ yes Bavaria Fürth

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